SCOTT BRICK PRESENTS: The One Tree Audiobook Is Available Exclusively At Brick By Brick Audiobooks!
Or, An Audiobook Narrator Comes One Step Closer To Finishing The Second Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant By Scott Brick Despite being the fifth installment in the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, The One Tree was actually the very first volume I ever saw with my own eyes. But sadly, I didn’t pick it up right away. A good friend of mine had been reading the series faithfully since its inception, and when he saw the book in our local mall’s B. Dalton, he about lost his mind. “It’s been two years since the last one came out!” he said to me,...
Scott Brick Presents: The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant is now available! Or, An Audiobook Narrator Apologizes To His Fans For Taking So Damn Long.
I’ve waited nearly nine years to say this: The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant is now on audio! Wow, I’ve gotta let that sink in for a few moments…For those of you who are new to Stephen R. Donaldson’s masterpiece of epic fantasy, the Covenant saga has long been my favorite work of fiction, ever since first discovering it in the mid ‘80s while I was a student at UCLA. For those of you who’ve never heard the story, you can read more about my love of the series here. My passion for the Covenant saga is so huge that in...
SCOTT BRICK PRESENTS: 'Tis the Season for Thanksgiving
...Or, An Audiobook Narrator Expresses His Gratitude For All The Blessings In His Life By Scott Brick >> Like so many of you, the holidays are my favorite time of year, a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time when, as Scrooge’s nephew Fred reminds us, “men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely.” Since President Lincoln’s 1863 proclamation that a national day of Thanksgiving would be held each year, making official a practice held by individual colonies and states for two centuries, it has become our annual pastime to take a moment and reflect upon...
SCOTT BRICK PRESENTS: Say Hello To My New Friends!
...Or, An Audiobook Narrator Introduces His Listeners To Authors They’ll Be Hearing a Lot More of in the Future. By Scott Brick. Hello everyone, and welcome to the newest feature on my website, a little something we like to call Author’s Corner! I’m often asked what’s new, what are the recent releases that hungry audiobook listeners can sink their teeth—or ears—into…? Well here, in this corner of my website, I hope you’ll find the answer to that question, as every month or so we feature a number of new authors and titles that will intrigue and entertain you. I have been...